Sunday, 20 May 2012

What is 'Excellence'?

What do you think are some of the characteristics of 'excellence'.  When we did our role model exercise last week a lot of us chose sports people and entertainers - what are some of the traits that these people display that make them 'excellent'?  Is is just people that can display 'excellence'?  Post your comments below.


  1. I think the characteristics of 'excellence' are having your mind set on what you want, goal setting, practice and having the right people around you for support.

  2. Excellence is...

    Doing your best
    Being "at the top of your game"

  3. To me excellence is when someone tries their best at everything :)))

    Tamaraah x

  4. One Jessei j's traits that make her excellent is that she is always telling her fans to never give their dreams to carry on no matter what anyone says.
    also this year she plans to shave her head for charity but she says she needs 1 million dollars raised for sick kids before she decides to go along with the plan. this is one of her acts of exelence .

  5. I think excellence is acieving at the highest level or to try your best at something.

  6. Excellence to me....

    Doing your best at everything you can do

  7. I think exelecnec is when you set a gole and you strive to complet it no matter what happens. and when you start something new like a project you give it your best shot.

  8. I think excellence is demonstrating your strengths and knowing your weaknesses, trying your hardest at everything and knowing that when you dont succeed you did everything you could.

  9. i think excelence is when you strive towards something that you would of done and be proud of doing it.i think its something that you do to real something that makes you a better person :)

  10. Excellence to me is doing your best, as long as you try your hardest, you will never look stupid. =)

  11. excellence means to me is that you try your best at everything and do well

  12. excellence is trying your best and achieving the best possible or accomplishing a big goal

  13. Exelence is being at a point when you are set to improve even when you're almost perfect

  14. i think excellence is a goal that you really want to improve

  15. Excellence is someone acheving or doing their best.

  16. Excellence means someone who doesn’t give up if they’ve been lowered and always know your abilities on it’s basically like a big netball game and you know all your positions and that’s what I think excellence means to me.

  17. excellence is setting your goal and sticking to it until you accomplish it

  18. I think excellence is giving it your all and never quiting.

  19. I think that excellence is someone who displays a good attitude towords a goal

  20. katy perry is my idol she is talanted and strong and very successful with her music.

  21. excellence is when a person tries there hardest at everthing they do and acheving

  22. It is people working and being good.


  23. totally agree bri :)

  24. i think that excellence means being good and give it 100%
