Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Drugs in Sport - Performance Enhancement

As part of our topic around 'Excellence' we are looking at the role that drugs play in elite sport.  I'd appreciate your views on the following questions - we can use them as discussion points in class:

1)  Why do you think athletes would want to use performance enhancing drugs when there is a good chance that they will get caught?

2)  What are some of the 'costs' of using performance enhancing drugs (also think about other people that might be effected.)

3)  What athlete's do you know of that have been caught using performance enhancing drugs in the past?


  1. they could use drugs because they know they cant win by themselves so they cheat by taking performannce enhqancing drugs

  2. 1) they use it because they might get pear pressure

    2) they might be put out of the sport and they might effect the team

    3)John Ziegler

  3. because they want to get through sooo bad that they take drugs to get through but really they shouldn't because thats just stupid!!!!

  4. because they cant be bother trainibg and they just want to get medals.they can get uppers or downers and side affects and some people get greatly affected from the people that are taking the drugs and some people are horribly affected the greatly affected people are greatly affected because the person that got silver in the race gets gold. lance armstrong mariane jones

  5. Jess Hill rm1931 July 2012 at 14:26

    Question 1:

    Because they take drugs to get stronger, higher, and faster. Try to get the gold but they sometimes get caught.

    Question 2:

    The cost is getting caught because you can be disqualified from the games if they get caught.

    Question 3:

    I know no-one :D

  6. 1: cos they think that theyre smart enough to get away with it
    2: your body shape will have changed beyond repair and your parents could be very disappointed
    3: ???

  7. ~ Because they want to win a medal and without it they know they cant win a medal

    ~ their body changes shape

    ~ ?

  8. -For honour for their nation.
    -Physical body changes, cancers, Losing respect they had, failing relationships
    -The Chinese swimmer, some gymnasts.

  9. 1) Some countries are really.. determined to win and all they care about is getting medals. If you were that determined that you would do anything to win and steroids would pretty much guarantee you winning then you wouldn't care about the risks and downsides.

    2) Your body shape changes and you get really muscly and stuff. The women who take steroids for ages and you can't really tell if they're men or women.

    3) Uhm I dont really know any names of the people. But I know what they look like.
