Thursday, 29 March 2012


The class have just started their poetry assignments.  These are based around their experiences at Deep Cove and also personal interests that the kids may have.  There is some awesome writing going on!  So much so, that I've asked the kids to share some below.  Have a browse through and feel free to comment.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Deep Cove 2012

We had an awesome time at Deep Cove last week.  Highlights for many were getting to see the dolphins while on our cruise, conquering the tramps (especially the Hanging Valley one) and doing a lot of fishing!  Another cool thing was to also stand underneath Helena Falls - not many people get to do that!  Over the next couple of days I'll get the kids to record some of their experiences below.  Check them out and feel free to comment!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Hunger Games - Character Descriptions

As part of our class novel study, the class each chose a character from the book that they had to draw and also use words to describe them - the more descriptive the better!  The kids produced work of a really high standard and I've shown just a selection of the portraits below.....feel free to comment :)

Mr M.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Hunger Games Novel/Movie

We're reading the 'Hunger Games' as our class novel at the moment and loving it!  We've been doing a few activities surrounding the novel, including some character descriptions and excellent creative writing.  Have a read and look through what some of the kids have been doing below......

Feel free to comment!