Thursday, 29 March 2012


The class have just started their poetry assignments.  These are based around their experiences at Deep Cove and also personal interests that the kids may have.  There is some awesome writing going on!  So much so, that I've asked the kids to share some below.  Have a browse through and feel free to comment.


  1. Deep cove
    Amazing Deep Cove
    Amazing views at Deep Cove
    Laughing all the time

    And thats my haiku

  2. Deep Cove Acrostic poem

    Dolphins leaping through the water.
    Eating crayfish at dinner.
    Exciting, exhilarating experiences.
    Peaceful paradise surrounds me.

    Clambering over tree roots and slippery rocks.
    Outstanding, untouched environment
    Very dangerous tree roots threatening to trip me
    Epic waterfalls, thundering down

  3. Jessica M RM 1929 March 2012 at 09:26

    Acrostic Poem - Deep Cove

    D olphins swimming beside the boat
    E aten alive by sandflys
    E xtraordinary senary walks and fish
    P owerfall waterfalls that can blow you of your feet

    C atching fish of the boats and wharf
    O ver the walmot pass to Deep Cove
    V arying plants everywhere and anywhere
    E xciting to see wild life you don't see everyday

  4. Dark cold forest
    Everlasting rain
    Endangered animals
    People tramping

    Cold water makes me shiver
    Overpowering noise of the waterfall
    Very wet shoes and clothes
    Exciting times when you get to the top of hanging valley

  5. Deep cove Acrostic poem

    Devious keas destroying everything.
    Epic experience changing my life.
    Exciting tramps turning into nightmares afterwards.
    Parents cooking scrumptious food.

    Carnivorous sand-flies biting everyone to death.
    Oversize dolphins making people “woo”.
    Various wildlife running around in the dense bush.
    Enormous fish swimming around as we catch all the small ones.

  6. Deep, murky waters.
    Eating lunch at Stella Falls.
    Endangered species left in peace.
    Pooped at the end of each day.

    Covered in mud.
    Over the tree roots.
    Very, VERY tired after every walk.
    Eager to reach the top and have a rest.


    Different experience
    Endangered species fighting for survival
    Exciting to see wildlife that you don't often see
    Powerful tramps that cn make you very sore!

    Courageous waterfalls crashing on the rocks
    Open to anyone in the world
    Very special nature all around us
    Enormous tramps that can take you 1-2 hours just to getto the waterfall!!!

    Hayley :)

  8. D.Dense ,green , lush bush.
    E.Enormous waterfalls crashing down.
    E.Endangered wildlife protected in DeepCove.
    P.Pounding water smashing on the rocks from waterfalls.

    C.Cold rainy weather.
    O.Open spaces are everywhere.
    V.Very special to New Zealand.
    E.exquisite scenery all over DeepCove.

  9. D angerous landscapes that means a fall could mean certain death
    E aten alive by midges which everyone calls sandflies
    E xcellent hospitality and food
    P ristine waters

    C heeky keas
    O ver estimated sandflies
    V ery good fishing
    E arly nights needed after camp

  10. Dense, dripping greenery
    Endangered birds dwindling
    Entangling vines, woven together
    Pure kiwi mettle, hauling up the catch

    Crashing waterfalls cascading down the mountains
    Outstanding sights full of evergreen forest
    Vicious sandflies eating you alive
    Epic wipeouts down hanging valley

  11. Dazzling waterfalls
    Epic scenery
    Exciting tramps turn into nightmares afterwards
    Parents cooking scrumptious food

    Cold raining horrible weather
    On the boat fishing for tea
    Vertical climps up mountains
    Endangered animals that are hard to find

  12. Dangerous landscape
    Eaten alive by sand-flies
    Eating fish
    Peaceful place
    Cold water hole
    Open spaces
    very big dolphins
    existing camp

  13. The power station
    Built in a mountain of stone
    pumping out water

  14. deep cove metephor
    the mountan rocks roared down the hill
    the sandflies were crazy tigers.
    the wekas were spies in the bush
